
This is the list of Nagios plugins I developed or modified for the enterprise monitoring environments. All are made available under the GPL license for free re-use and further improvements.

The plugins have been tested to be working with Nagios version 3.x and work with the latest Nagios version 4.x

Operating System Monitoring Plugins

1check-aix-update.pl1.0Checks the patch update status on IBM AIX servershowto
2win_update_trapsend.vbs1.0Checks the patch update status on Windows servershowto
3check-rug-update.pl1.1Checks the patch update status on SLES Linux servershowto
4check-rum-update.pl1.0Checks the patch update status on OpeSUSE servershowto
5check-zypper-update.pl1.0Checks the patch update status on OpenSUSE/SLES servershowto
6check_snmp_time.pl1.1Checks the operating systems time difference against Nagios server timemanual
7check_snmp_aixload.pl1.0Reports IBM's AIX CPU loadmanual

Network, Firewall and PBX Device Monitoring Plugins

8check_snmp_patchlevel.pl1.2Checks the Cisco OS version against a compliance listhowto
9check_avaya_load.pl1.0Checks the CPU load on Avaya VOIP PBX media serversmanual
10check_avaya_error.pl1.2Checks the error logs on Avaya VOIP PBX media serversmanual
11check_avaya_trunks.pl1.0Checks the call utilization of a trunk group on Avaya VOIP PBX media serversmanual
12check_avaya_peak.pl1.0Checks the hourly peak call number on Avaya VOIP PBX media serversmanual
13check_asa_sessions.pl0.2Checks All, or IpSec, SslVPN and WebVPN sessions in a Cisco ASAmanual

Database Monitoring Plugins

14check_dbversion_db2.java1.0Checks the DB2 software version against a compliance listmanual
15check_dbversion_mssql.java1.0Checks the SQL server software version against a compliance listmanual
16check_dbversion_oracle.java1.0Checks the Oracle software version against a compliance listmanual
17check_dbversion_mysql.java1.0Checks the MySQL software version against a compliance listmanual
18check_dbversion_sybase.java1.0Checks the Sybase software version against a compliance listmanual
19check_dbversion_postgresql.java1.0Checks the PostgreSQL software version against a compliance listmanual
20check_tablespace_db2.java1.0Checks DB2 tablespace sizes against warn and crit thresholdsmanual
21check_tablespace_mssql.java1.0Checks SQL Server tablespace sizes against warn and crit thresholdsmanual
22check_tablespace_oracle.java1.0Checks Oracle tablespace sizes against warn and crit thresholdsmanual
23check_tablespace_mysql.java1.2Checks MySQL tablespace sizes against warn and crit thresholdsmanual

Web Monitoring Plugins

24check_apachestatus.pl1.6Checks the apache sessions through the mod_status modulehowto
25check_http.c2.0Checks HTTP/S (SSL) websites through a proxy using the CONNECT methodhowto
26check_http_time.pl1.0Checks the remote web server time difference against Nagios server timemanual

Other Monitoring Plugins

27check_ldap_lockout.c1.2Checks if a given Windows domain user has been locked out (to many wrong password entries)manual
28check_tokyo_radiation.pl1.1Checks Tokyo air radiation levels published by Tokyo Metropolitan Governmenthowto
29check_tokyo_tapwater.pl1.0Checks Tokyo tapwater radiation levels published by Tokyo Metropolitan Governmenthowto
30check_tokyo_power.pl1.0Checks Tokyo metropolitan electric power consumption published by Tepcohowto
31check_fail2ban.sh1.2Monitors the number of IP's blocked by fail2ban, and gives feedback on brute-force attacksmanual
32check_nagiostats.pl1.0Checks Nagios plugin execution time, and host or service config totals.manual

Notification Add-On

33nagios_send_host_mail.pl1.8The Nagios host notification script, generating formatted e-mail notifications with Nagiosgraphmanual
34nagios_send_service_mail.pl1.8The Nagios service notification script, generating formatted e-mail notifications with Nagiosgraphmanual
35pnp4n_send_host_mail.pl1.8The Nagios host notification script, generating formatted e-mail notifications with PNP4Nagiossee below
36pnp4n_send_service_mail.pl1.8The Nagios service notification script, generating formatted e-mail notifications with PNP4Nagiosmanual


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