# 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Data to graph: Check Apache sessions # # Service type: apache-load # # Nagios plugin: check_apachestatus.pl # # Nagios output: OK 0.038933 seconds response time. Idle 5, busy 3, \ # # open slots 142 # # Use perfdata: Waiting for Connection=5 Starting Up=0 Reading Request=0 \ # # Sending Reply=3 Keepalive (read)=0 DNS Lookup=0 Closing \ # # Connection=0 Logging=0 Gracefully finishing=0 Idle cleanup=0\# # Open slot=142 Requests/sec=0.0 B per sec=109.0B B per \ # # Request=4851.0B # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /output:.*([0-9]+\.?[0-9]+).* response time. Idle (\d+), busy (\d+), open slots (\d+)/ and push @s, [ sessions, [ 'idle', GAUGE, $2 ], [ 'busy', GAUGE, $3 ], [ 'avail', GAUGE, $4 ], ];